Hazardous effect of chemicals, their high price and market availability give the scope to think of alternatives. Manures also supply all of the essential major and minor elements. The disease incidence was negligible in four varieties of guava during minor season. In other varieties per cent fruit weigh loss was zero with only two consecutive sprays (Table 3). Significant means were compared employing DMRT. Pathogen incidence and fruit weight were positively correlated with fruit rots. First recording was done 24 days after the spray and it continued for five times at an interval of 7 days i.e., up to fruit maturity. Rate of decline in fruit infections were quicker in rovral than in manganese and boron. The zero level of infection as maintained through fungicide spray created basis for apparently actual fruit weight and its use for comparison with fruit weights obtained at different levels of anthracnose infection (James, 1974). Wilt is the most important disease of guava. This result is in agreement with Rahman and Hossain (1989) who reported that oil cake increased the disease severity. Total surface area of an individual fruit was considered as 100%. No disease developed for the treatment of cowdung, MOC (mill), MP, ZnSO4, Cowdung+MOC (mill), K+ZnSO4, NPK+tilt spray and NPK+Zn spray. These two chemicals subject to their availability could be considered as potential fungicides to control guava anthracnose. Guava fruit anthracnose as affected by soil amendments with various treatment showing their rate of application, percent fruit infection and per cent fruit surface area diseased at 60 days after treatment, Plants in the same plot receiving no treatment served as control. Weights of fruits selected for estimation of disease severity were also recorded after harvest. So anthracnose disease of guava is a serious problem in Bangladesh, especially for the commercial producers. Statistically the effect of Cowdung+MOC (ghani) was similar to NPK+ZnSO4+Gypsum although cowdung+MOC (ghani) applied plants showed more disease. Assessment of disease strategies: Total number of diseased and healthy fruit in each test plant were counted and per cent fruit infected were calculated on the basis of totality of healthy and diseased fruits. Besides it is a great threat to germplasm preservation. In Kazipeyara the fruit weight loss of the unsprayed plant was 30% and it was decreased to 14.40% after one spray though disease reduction was not significantly different. Similar trend was observed in SOC, cowdung+SOC and gypsum treated plants but at apparently at a slower rate. Spray solutions were prepared by mixing the definite amount of the chemicals with tap water in bucket. Significant response was increased in the growth at low levels of KCl. Symbol- cd: cowdung, m: mill, g: ghani, ZS: ZnSO, Effect of fungicidal and minor element spray on severity in per cent fruit Infection, https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=pjbs.2000.791.794, Guava fruit infection as affected by sprays of different fungicides and essential elements, Figure in a coulm with different letters differ at p=0.01. Gypsum alone had no effect on development of disease. Minor elements, Zn, Mn, and B spray gave significant reduction … Using water containing moderate to high amounts of sulfur may cause CS 2005 to neutralize. Similar observations have been reported by Malraja (1990) in spraying of Zn, Cu, Mn, Mg and Fe that reduced the incidence of disease of which Cu spray recorded least incidence of fruit rot in chilli. It has been reported in all guava-growing areas around the world where high rainfall and humidity are present. Similarly spray of fungicides and minor elements especially tilt, rovral and zinc had profound effects on anthracnose infestations. In the absence of NPK, plants become weak and at this condition gypsum would not be able to resist the disease singly (Ferdous, 1990). The experiments were conducted to explore the possibility of integration of various approaches for control of guava anthracnose during fruiting seasons, 1992-93. Very slight infection occurred in NPK+ZnSO4+Gypsum, PK+ZnSO4, MOC (ghani) treated plants. To evaluate the effectiveness of the different treatments, the severity of disease was recorded 4 times at 15 days interval with first recording at 15 days after the treatment. More promising result (99% over control) was found in the present study spraying rovral wp without using sticker. All of the mentioned minor elements are essentially required for plants. How to Control Anthracnose. yield loss (Y) and disease severity (X) expressed in percentage. Symptoms In another experiment tilt, rovral, Mn, B and Zn at 1000, 500 and 2000 ppm respectively were sprayed separately for three times at 15 days interval starting from early fruit stage. Continued observation on fruit infection revealed that infections on untreated fruits increased with time, which at the time of 60 days after soil amendments resulted in 9.2% fruit infection. Treating for anthracnose is much like any fungal turf disease, but it is important to understand when and how to treat for this turf fungus. One plant of a single variety was used as a replication. Well decomposed cowdung collected from the village was applied. They found oil cake increased the disease severity while high dose of NPK reduced it. Plants take their nourishment highly from NPK sources. Very slight infections were observed for rovral spray (0.08%), Mn spray (0.08%), NPK+ZnSO4+gypsum (0.18%), PK+ZnSO4 and MOC (ghani) (1.8%). Soil amendments: Per cent fruit infected with anthracnose in the untreated plants were significantly higher than in the treated plants (Table 1). Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Hot water treatment of seeds or fruits (48°C for 20 minutes) can kill any fungal residue and prevent further spreading of the disease in the field or during transport. TSP, cowdung+MOC (ghani) were less effective but urea, gypsum, cowdung+SOC, and SOC were ineffective. Learn how to get rid of anthracnose in your lawn to get your healthy lawn back with our Anthracnose Treatment Guide. In sprayed plants, fruits grained weight which showed a continued increase in weight with increase in number of fungicide sprays. is an important fruit of subtropical countries. Disease severity (% fruit infection and % fruit area diseased) was recorded at 15 days interval for continuous 4 times starting 15 days after treatment. There are reports that Colletotricum gloeosporioides thrives in media enriched with 0.8% KCl and increasing amount of potassium might be one of the factors promoting the pathogen at fruit maturity rather than earlier (Midha and Chohan 1971,1972). an important fruit of subtropical countries is affected by about 177 pathogens of which, 167 are fungal, 3 bacterial, 3 algal, 3 nematodes and one epiphyte. These factors affect the effectivity too. They found young immature guava fruits were free from infection while mature fruits were infected readily and this difference might be due to concentration of potassium ion at different developmental stages have been found. Therefore, this work was undertaken to show how the level of anthracnose infection governs the amount of fruit loss and to determine the effective number of chemical sprays to control fruit anthracnose. Neem oil spray is an organic, multi-purpose fungicide/insecticide/miticide that kills eggs, larvae and adult stages of insects as well as prevents fungal attack on plants. On an average 9.2% fruits in untreated plants were infected (Table 1). Tilt and Zinc gave 100% reduction in fruit infection followed by rovral and manganese sulphate, both of which produced 0.8% infected fruits. UH–CTAHR Mango Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) PD-48 Aug. 2008 Mango anthracnose symptoms on fruits Above, a basket of anthracnose-diseased mango fruits at a farmer’s market in Hilo, Hawai‘i.