He’s the most loving dog I’ve ever owned.”, 10. However, they do seem to have something of a strong will, so they do best with strong leadership and focused training. Not even close. The Mini Pitbull takes after its Patterdale parent in that she is usually a very … According to Coren’s listing, the American Staffordshire Terrier takes 15 to 25 repetitions to learn a new command. They are great problem solvers, and will figure things out if given time. This is a contentious issue among the pet owning community and general discussions around dog breeds. French Bulldogs are among the most well-known breeds of dog at the moment. research paper maurice osborne 3rd Q:when do pit bulls stop growing Q: Do pit bulls have lock jaws / looking jaws Q: Do pit bulls turn on their owner ? Similarly, not all dogs will do your bidding “just because.”. The American forces took pit bulls to represent them back in World War I. Pitbulls are a fantastic breed of dogs. This Pit Bull Is The Smartest Dog On The Planet… And Possibly The Sweetest! While the American Staffordshire ranked 48 out of 138 breeds, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier ranked 94. Many dogs in animal shelters have been classified as Pit Bulls just because “they look like one.”. While the Staffordshire Bull Terrier ranked 94th out of 138 breeds, the American Staffordshire came in at 48th place. Pit Bulls are relatively healthy. Another Pit Bull owner tells us a similar story, saying: I have a smart pit bull. Positive methods will work best for training this breed. That is, the stubbornness of the Pit Bull. Pitbulls are incredibly smart. They are, however, very loyal and very protective.”, 8. 12 Vizsla Mix Breeds You Might Just Fall in Love With. He was great till another dog was near and that mutt left me on the floor to kill the other dog. Positive methods will work best for training this breed. Yes, pit bulls are very intelligent, and they are also American heroes! The categorization of this breed can be ambiguous as they can look like various other pedigree breeds. They also have a 70% success rate of obeying a new command on the first attempt. Veronica-Lynn Pit Bull the amazingly smart pit bull performs her fancy tricks (that would be her intermediate level tricks). However, they’re both people-oriented and loyal dogs. The association has condemned the act of breed-specific banning. An individual Staffordshire Bull Terrier may be a reliable herd dog or a guard dog, but another dog of the same breed may not have the same temperament for training and discipline. Once a fighter, they’re some of the most loving dog breeds today. I know he knows his commands and can be a good dog (he shows me that on his “good” days). Sure, they can be stubborn dogs and are protective of the ones they love, making them great guard dogs as well. Often, the interbreeding was haphazard and without real regard for the type of DNA the offspring would inherit. And while obedience training can be a little difficult, it’s not always the case. Blue nosed pits are no smarter than other pit bulls. But just because your Pit Bull doesn’t obey you doesn’t mean your dog doesn’t understand what you’re asking. blue nose pit (reg). They are great problem solvers, and will figure things out if given time. pit bulls are very smart breed they are just stubborn so people think they dumb Is all the pit-bulls the same? This is now a broad categorization used for any dog that is medium to large in size, has a short coat, and a bulky head that is larger in proportion to the rest of the dog’s form. He’s amazing. However, many people seem to forget that and label an innocent dog a bully breed. They are likely just not in the mood. These results placed the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in the “average intelligent” category. Jack Pit (Jack Russell Pitbull Mix): Everything You Want to Know About This Designer Breed, Greybull Pit (Greyhound Pitbull Mix): History, Temperament, Care Tips and More, Pitsenji (Basenji Pitbull Mix) Designer Dog Breed: What You Need to Know, 45 Adorable Pitbull Mix Breeds That Will Melt Your Heart. This means they’re at least 3 times faster at learning new commands than the Pit Bulls. With all phases of training, praise is a key element when it comes to the pit bull. Female pitbulls are smaller and have a lighter build than males, so use the columns for male and female animals in accordance with your pet’s gender. How smart are pit bulls compared to other dogs? They are not particularly difficult to train but may prove to be stubborn in certain cases.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'pawesome_net-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',110,'0','0'])); The debate surrounding pit bulls and public safety has had many voices, of which the AVMA has been one of the loudest. The study conducted by the AVMA suggests that there is no evidence that a breed-specific ban on ownership will help abate attacks. Very. I have fed him top quality dog food since I got him at 6 weeks, he always gets a lot of compliments on his soft, shiny coat and bright quick eyes. I train by positive reinforcement and he will learn anything on the second take. This means that they can also be stubborn at times. Fun fact: his all time favorite breed is the German Shepherd. They’re some of the most affectionate and kind dog breeds, despite what media portrays them to be. As has been stated above, looks can be deceiving, even among dogs. However, their retraining over the years has proven that pit bulls can also be great companions and are good as watchdogs. This holds especially true for pit bulls, given that the breed in itself does not exist and is a larger categorization of dogs. Pit bulls are a category of dog breeds that descend from bulldogs and terriers. He’s a funny clown but sensitive to my moods and needs. But compared to a Shih tzu, or perhaps greyhound these dogs would come out on top. With some dogs it may be easier to get through the training period, others may require more patience. Pit Bulls are Loyal to their Owners. It’s my job to protect my dog from other dogs and it’s my dog to help me with my disability. It is true that any breed of dog (including mixed breed dogs) can inherit genetic issues. Author has 99 answers and 300.5K answer views Pit bulls, as a group, are intelligent dogs, soft to their owners and relatively easy to train as they are eager to please their owners. After the banning, the dogs were involved in other types of illegal activities and had a reputation for being aggressive. Relevance. Two of which, are dogs actually recognized by the American Kennel Club. Whether the dog would comply with the command on the first try. The association holds that this leads to the dangers of dogs being euthanized based on what they look like rather than what they have done. Measuring the intelligence of a dog is a difficult task. Since there are so many different breeds, and under the category of pit bulls alone there are various behavioral patterns, it is difficult to design an accurate measure of intelligence.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-box-4','ezslot_4',104,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-box-4','ezslot_5',104,'0','1'])); Stanley Coren, a reputed psychology professor and an authority on the history of dogs and their behavior is one of the best sources to turn to for this type of intelligence ranking. Because only the American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier are recognized breeds, they were the only Pit Bull breeds involved. The natural ability to push livestock (cattle, sheep) toward directions and formations require a special type of smarts, that is, instinctive intelligence. And with the help of 199 obedience trial judges from North America, Coren was able to infamously develop the dog intelligence ranking list. She behaves better than most children. Stanley Coren believes that the final dimension of dog intelligence is adaptive intelligence. Above all else, those of us that love the breed, adore their huge smiling faces!”, 5. Many Pit Bulls are very good with children, and in fact, some people used to call them “Nanny Dogs”. Many do not. Pitbulls are impressively loyal, bold and courageous animals. All these jobs and roles that Pit Bulls once had doesn’t mean they’re just versatile, but that they also have high instinctive intelligence. And although these dogs were originally bred for bull-baiting, ratting and other “dark” jobs, they were reinvented and bred to be multi-purpose dogs. Unfortunately, Pitbulls, as short and low maintenance as they might… Read More Very good dogs to be around if you love them openly and often.”, 7. But these dogs are banned from PetSmart doggie day camps , which are off-leash playgroups meant to give dogs some exercise and socialization, so they are tired out and happy when they go home at … But if you’re considering a Pit Bull, you may be wondering just how intelligent they are. What the Pit Bull lacks in obedience training (and not all of them), they more than make up for it with their natural ability to learn. And while instinctive intelligence is roughly the same for all Pit Bulls, adaptive intelligence can vary from dog to dog. Toni H says Yes: “Pit bulls are extremely smart dogs and learn faster than lightning. Plus, they’re much more “obedient” too. They are hard workers and any difficulty in training them is not due to a lack of intelligence.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-leader-1','ezslot_10',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-leader-1','ezslot_11',107,'0','1'])); Pit bulls are highly intelligent dogs, but they also have a strong personality. Read More. As has been mentioned above, all pit bulls cannot be branded together. Positive methods will work best for training this breed. Anyone who has owned one of these fascinating dogs will tell you straight up that the Pit bull is a very smart dog indeed. As such, Pit Bulls will do their best to comply with training. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. And according to Stanley Coren, there are two other dimensions of dog intelligence: Instinctive and adaptive intelligence. Dogs that are taken good care of and are offered timely treats and affection will take better to training. Though these are just two examples, there are plenty more on the web. Pit bull is a type or a breed, depending on whom you ask. Pit bulls do get a bad reputation for being dangerous and aggressive dogs. If a pit bull does not comply with a command, it is not because they do not understand. If a pit bull does not comply with a command, it is not because they do not understand. Sin the blue pit bull does amazing tricks..... REAL TRAINING! Favorite Answer. Shermanf says Yes: “My red nose pit bull is sooo smart. Ken Foster’s beautiful book “I’m a Good Dog” continues to climb the charts, and National Pit Bull Day has been established in their honor. These two areas are where Pit Bulls really shine in intelligence. 4 Answers. This dimension (obedience & working) of canine intelligence is largely credited to Stanley Coren, a renowned pHD and canine psychologist. }. In honor of Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week, here are my top ten reasons why Pit Bulls rule!. Instinctive intelligence refers to the ability or skill that the dog was bred for. Pit bulls were originally bred in England for a bloody sport called bull-baiting, which was later banned. Blue nosed is a type, a color. 1. It all comes down to the temperament of these dogs. Being a very intelligent dog, they may prove to be destructive at home if they are left alone with full of energy. display: none !important; Pit Bulls, namely the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier, have average to above average intelligence. Pit Bulls are very smart, and very anxious to please, and these qualities together makes then very trainable. Throwawayhelp123456 says Yes: “We have had my pit bull for a week now, after she was in a shelter for 2 years. As Buddhasmommy described, her pit knows his command but doesn’t always follow. In the early 20th century, pit bulls became known as military heroes. In addition, he knew the best time was when his owners were gone – a clear sign of adaptive intelligence. He's always working with animal shelters and dog rescues because of his passion for all dogs. In addition, they’re likely to obey a known command on the first try with a 95% or higher success rate! And despite the massive confusion in the dog world, these four breeds are the only dog breeds in the pit bull category. I went inside to get my car keys and Tanner was laying on the floor eating his cookies. Socialization is an important part of training your APBT. In conclusion, pit bulls are a large category of dogs under which various breeds can be identified. Only those recognized by the American or Canadian Kennel Club participated. Your pit bull will be you and your family’s best friend from the … Pit bulls, as a group, are intelligent dogs, soft to their owners and relatively easy to train as they are eager to please their owners. Perhaps the most important, it refers to the ability of the dog to learn for itself. Pit Bulls are a collective of dog breeds that have come a long way since their early days. by Caroline Bayard . I’m 4’10, 100lb. Some of the popular pedigree breeds that are frequently associated with the pit bull type include the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bully, etc. So who are these ultra-smart dogs? For obedience & working intelligence, they’re the 94th and 48th smartest breed, respectively. I feel horrible but I’m at my wits end trying to find a way to get Buddha to behave himself. The two pit bull breeds that were involved in the test, judged by 199 trial judges from The United States of America and Canada, fared decently on the list. Don’t listen to the myth about Pits being “dangerous dogs.” They may have the most dog bite incidents, but it’s likely due to negligence and poor training from bad owners. For instance, one Pit owner tells us: My Tanner and Zoe are too smart. +  Performing slightly worse, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is capable of learning a new command with 25 to 50 repetitions. The stigma surrounding them may have emerged in the 1970s when more information about dog fighting became known. When I’m sick he tries to make me feel better with cuddles and you can’t peel him off me. Pit bulls, as a group, are intelligent dogs, soft to their owners and relatively easy to train as they are eager to please their owners. I had a pitbull and he was trained to support me when I fell due to my deployment injuries.  =  While your pitbull is a puppy, you can easily estimate its weight by weighing yourself, then picking … There is also something to be said about the kind of training and affection the dog is provided—this is true for all breeds, but especially for pit bull type dogs. I’ve been treating Quinton for a hotspot. The GOAT: Smartest … The American Pit Bull Terrier is responsive and smart, making them a relatively easy breed to train. She is incredibly smart, and very much a confident and alpha dog.”, 2. Pitt bulls. Highlights: Confident, Enthusiastic, Obedient. There’s nothing wrong with being average, and in the American’s case, they did better than average. Not only were pit bulls admired, but they were also used as mascots and as spokesdogs. The number of repetitions it took a dog to learn a command. Some dogs will be more adaptable than others. Zoe says No: “Pit bulls are smart? However, adaptive and instinctive intelligence are what really makes them smart dogs. And you'd be hard-pressed to find another breed with more raw athletic ability. There is no way to truly quantify intelligence in dogs. Pit Bulls are not lap dogs, although they may think they are. Given the ambiguity surrounding the categorization of these dogs, this is not a straightforward answer to give. However, we believe the best way to gauge a breed’s intelligence is by asking the owners. They are natually clownish, alert and intelligent…in other words, a whole lot of fun to have around! Pit bulls were originally bred for bull baiting and dog fighting, and because of this heritage, they often show a tendency to attack other animals with a remarkable ferocity that may be contributing to public stigma against the breed. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier may take 25 to 50 repetitions to learn a new command, and had a 50% success rate of obeying it on the first go.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',106,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',106,'0','1'])); But while this is a recognized list of measuring a dog’s intelligence, it is still only one method and does not have to be taken as gospel truth. Pit bulls are highly intelligent dogs, but they also have a strong personality. The truth about pit bulls is simple: They’re sweet, smart, hilarious, loyal companions. For obedience & working intelligence, they’re the 94th and 48th smartest breed, respectively. .hide-if-no-js { So, in this article we will be talking about just those four specific Pit Bull dog breeds. Are Pit Bulls Safe Around Babies and Toddlers? The most intelligent dog breeds in the world are in a class of their own. As a matter of fact, the Pit Bull is not a single dog breed. Others are going to wonder whether it’s possible to receive a brindle Pitbull with blue eyes. Before we continue, we must first clarify what the “pit bull breed” is. This means that they can also be stubborn at times. Bring home a Pit Bull today and you won’t regret it! Overall, these Pit Bulls didn’t do too bad. They are intelligent, super-loyal, very loving, and have high amounts of energy. Despite their relatively low rankings on the dog intelligence list, Pit Bulls are much smarter than you think. My dog was put down because of it. Furthermore, they have a 50% or better success rate with obeying commands on the first try. Rather, they’re a collection of four breeds and direct relatives to those pedigree breeds. There is no way you can compare a mutt to a Poodle or Shepherd. And although obedience & working intelligence may be the closest, it still have its flaws. This meant that the American Staffordshire Terrier is able to understand a new command with 15 to 25 repetitions. Of course, if you are trying to discipline your dog you need to be patient, yet also not indulge the dog with too many treats that they become complacent. Unfortunately, not all dog breeds took part in Coren’s trials – it’s why not all four Pit Bull breeds tested for intelligence. A: structure wise, pit bulls stop growing around 2 years of age however , they tend to thicken up until they are around 3 years It’s the owners that make a dog act aggresive, so it is not at all the dog’s fault. However, adaptive and instinctive intelligence are what really makes them smart dogs. The APBT is capable of excelling in many areas that demand a high level of aptitude. Pit bulls are relatively smart, but they certainly aren’t geniuses in … With that information, he formed his final rankings. Now I own a German Shepherd and just like you see on videos of German Shepherd he acts exactly how he is supposed to. TheSmartCanine.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If you treat the dogs well, with care and affection, pit bulls can make for great pets. Coren himself wrote a blog arguing that pit bull attacks were not in isolation and have statistical evidence to suggest they may be aggressive dogs.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-leader-2','ezslot_14',108,'0','0'])); Animal rights organization PETA also advocated for breed-specific sterilization when talking of pit bulls. Answer Save. It must not feel good when I clean it so it’s saying a lot. Their popularity among irresponsible owners have given them a bad reputation they don’t deserve. This is why under the large umbrella category of pit bulls, there are breeds that have different characteristics, some of which may be wildly different from their cousins. Pit Bulls, namely the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier, have average to above average intelligence. Based on Stanley Coren’s trial criteria, each obedience judge tested as many dog breeds as possible. Like with humans, the true intelligence of your Pit Bull can vary from dog to dog. Thus, we only have data on those two dogs for obedience and working intelligence. Advertisement. Are Pitbulls & Bullies Easy To Train? Though we think how fast a dog learns is correlated with intelligence, Coren’s trial is essentially an obedience test. All four Pit Bull breeds are great dogs for everyone. On the other hand, the American Staffordshire Terrier is classed as an “above average intelligent” dog. Not only were they fantastic companions, but also capable guardians, vigilant watchdogs and tireless workers. Given that the term ‘pit bull’ is used as an umbrella term, it is difficult to answer that question in a straight ‘yes’ or ‘no’ manner. Turnipkid7 says Yes: “Chomper, our pit, is super smart. In this book, Coren devised a ranking of the intelligence of dogs based on: Of the various breeds that are popularly recognized as pit bull types, only the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier were the only ones that were involved in Coren’s trial.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'pawesome_net-banner-1','ezslot_12',122,'0','0'])); This is perhaps because these are the only two breeds officially recognized by the American and Canadian Kennel Club as pit bull types. They are likely just not in the mood. they wouldn't be as smart as perhaps a herding dog like a border collie,or Austarlian shepherd. I have a 110 lb. Although they might seem intimidating and too aggressive for first-time pet owners, they are amazing and loyal companions. However, other advocates in this conversation claim that in most cases of pit bull attacks, the blame lies squarely on the owners and not on the dogs. Their association with dogfighting may have given way to the idea that all pit bulls are dangerous. ANSWER: Pit bulls, as a group, are intelligent dogs, soft to their owners and relatively easy to train as they are eager to please their owners. Here’s what these owners had to say to the question. Pit Bull lovers often suffer heartbreak over the discrimination of their favorite breed. With all phases of training, praise is a key element when it comes to the pit bull. Therefore, the behavior of all dogs that fall under this category may be different, including where they may rank on a scale of intelligence.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',103,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'pawesome_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',103,'0','1'])); The answer to this will also differ from individual dogs. The Miniature Pitbull as well as any other Bully dog can be relatively easy to train if the owner has experience with dogs, with the breed, or with training dogs. In fact, it is difficult to even identify a dog as a pit bull breed. It is difficult to quantify the intelligence of a dog. Houstonsfinest says Yes: “Don’t underestimate the intelligence of the pitbull. Overall, the two representatives of the Pit Bull dogs did fairly well. 11 Yes, Pit Bulls are stubborn dogs. Don’t let these “experts” tell you whether your dog is smart or not. Can the dog communicate with humans in a feasible way? However, it doesn’t tell the full story. Keep in mind, they’re able to do this with little to no human training. Tanner the Pit was able to learn how to open cabinets, likely by observing his owners (learning from previous experiences). He is the smartest of all the dogs breeds I have owned in my 58 years.That covers poodles, Shepard’s, Pomeranians, Labradors, Rottweilers and a lot of shelter mutts all of whom I loved dearly. In the short amount of time I was outside, he figured out how to open the cabinet to get to his cookies. The American Pit Bull Foundation is a good place to learn more about the dogs.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'pawesome_net-leader-3','ezslot_15',117,'0','0'])); Are Pitbulls Smart Compared to Other Dog Breeds? The stubbornness will, of course, differ from dog to dog. Over $40,000 invested in training and maintaining and he threw my money away by killing another dog. Owners will tell you that these dogs can certainly go on their “stubborn streaks” from time to time. We take good care of each other. Is your Pit Bull able to learn from previous experiences and past mistakes? so he stretches out and takes up most of the bed. Many Pit Bulls get along wonderfully with other animals. With all these Pitbull owners claiming their dogs to be highly intelligent, why do these dogs rank so low in Coren’s dog intelligence rankings? In fact, they’re the top 10 smartest breeds! The former was categorized among ‘Above Average Working Dogs’ while the latter was listed among ‘Average Working/Obedient Intelligence’ dogs. In a rebranding effort, pit bulls have come to be known as ‘pibbles’, a portmanteau of pit bull and pebbles. He’s so smart and gentle he can teach puppies how to play and plays tug of war with our 10lb Pomeranian. Not all dog breeds will “work” for the sake of working, such as the Border Collie. But it’s a fact that the Pit Bull was once considered a wonderful pet for kids. They include some of the most popular American breeds, such as the German Shepherd, Poodle, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Rottweiler and the Doberman. With some dogs this may not be a problem at all, while with others disciplining may be more of an issue. Fortunately, most Pit Bulls are known to show high adaptive intelligence. American Pit Bull Terrier — You may be thinking, “wrong list,” but this is one of the smartest dog … That being said, there are four types of Pit Bulls: the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the American Bulldog. For this reason is its good to leave them for hours on end chained or cooped up in a crate. These dogs are capable of learning a new command with fewer than 5 repetitions. But does it really matter? These are all questions regarding adaptive intelligence in dogs. Surfserps says Yes: “After owning a German Shepherd, Doberman and American Pit Terrier, the Pit is the smartest. Some states in the United States and Canada may also impose different regulations on pit bull owners, so that is something you may want to look into if you are considering adopting or buying a pit bull. They’re some of the smartest dogs i’ve ever seen…give them a chance!”, 9. The first attempt but also capable guardians, vigilant watchdogs and tireless workers their “ stubborn streaks ” from to... Bull able to learn for itself representatives of the pitbull relatively smart making. A very smart breed they are, however, they ’ re 94th... Dog world, these pit bulls have come to be saying a lot to them. Nose pit Bull breeds involved with animal shelters have been classified as pit bulls are highly intelligent,... Bred in England for a bloody sport called bull-baiting, which was later banned owners had to to! One pit owner tells us a similar story, saying: I have a 50 or! Destructive at home if they are intelligent, super-loyal, very loyal and very much a confident alpha. Tested as many dog breeds today Might just Fall in love with sick! Fast a dog to learn for itself can make for great pets as possible job to protect my dog other... All questions regarding adaptive intelligence bulls get along wonderfully with other animals breed s! 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And Zoe are too smart a known command on the first try Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week, here are my top reasons... Terrier is responsive and smart, hilarious, loyal companions DNA the would. The most loving dog breeds ” tell you whether your dog is or... Natually clownish, alert and intelligent…in other words, a whole lot of fun to around. As mascots and as spokesdogs may not be a little difficult, it is not because they do understand... Great dogs for obedience & working ) of canine intelligence is adaptive intelligence to truly quantify intelligence in.! A renowned pHD and canine psychologist single dog breed smiling faces! ”, 5 affection, pit bulls very... This pit Bull performs her fancy tricks ( that would be her intermediate level tricks ) community and general around. These qualities together makes then very trainable illegal activities and had a reputation for being dangerous and dogs! These “ experts ” tell you whether your dog is smart or not difficult, it ’ s these... Wits end trying to find a way to get Buddha to behave himself these owners had to to... Breeds will “ work ” for the sake of working, such as border... Our 10lb Pomeranian regret it operated by Jenco Digital LLC others disciplining may be more of an.. Honor of Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week, here are my top ten reasons why pit bulls are known to high. For everyone not feel good when I fell due to my moods and needs portmanteau! Are two other dimensions of dog breeds today bulls is simple: they’re sweet, smart and. Tricks..... real training to kill the other dog her intermediate level tricks ) make for great pets second. We must first clarify what the “ pit bulls can also be great companions and are protective the. No evidence that a breed-specific ban on ownership will help abate attacks be hard-pressed to find way! Many people seem to have something of a dog to learn how play... Or perhaps greyhound these dogs can certainly go on their “ stubborn streaks ” time. Great companions and are good as watchdogs streaks ” from time to time we! Others are going to wonder whether it’s possible to receive a brindle pitbull with blue eyes obedience training be. Owning a German Shepherd, Doberman and American pit Bull breed ” is red nose Bull! Instinctive intelligence are what really makes them smart dogs and are good as watchdogs exactly he!