Your email address will not be published. Get help with your Consumer behavior homework. Also explore over 9 similar quizzes in this category. 2. __________ refers to the rank of an individual in society as perceived by others. Charan saw a movie and suggested to his friend to watch it too. Take Vskills practice test on Consumer Behaviour with MCQ on Customer Need and perception, Consumer Personality, Consumer Learning etc. Ans. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The chapter aims to outline the broad range of aspects of human beings which impinge on their purchasing and consumption behaviour, and therefore acts as a scene-setter for the rest of the book. False, 54. Conspicuous, 37. Multiple Choice Questions. (True/False) True, 22. Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. This chapter introduces the study of consumer behaviour, in particular emphasising the importance of consumers in marketing thinking. (True/False) True, 29. False, 25. (True/False) Ans. correct incorrect. Before publishing your Essay on this site, please read the following pages: 1. False, 31. Your email address will not be published. Symbolic aspiration, 41. Economics Quiz Questions And Answers Test contains 10 questions. This relates to the ___________ factor. Share Your is the home of thousands of essays published by experts like you! Ans. (True/False) True, 100 Multiple Choice Questions in C programming pdf. "The study of human population in context of gender, race and occupation is called" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on consumer markets and buyer behavior with choices the cultural environment, the demographic environment, the economic environment, and the natural environment for business management classes online. Save. Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 2 Theory of Consumer Behaviour with Answers Pdf free download. So, Avinash decides to buy it. Ans. Ans. Reena Jodhwani. a. Ans. ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) … So, Avinash decides to buy it. Usage, 52. False, 19. (True/False) Ans. (True/False) Kanta took the advice of her computer teacher before buying a PC. True, 28. The other individuals present during a purchase or consumption are referred to as ______. This decision is based on the _______ situation. Ans. The movie benefited from Charan’s word-of-mouth communication. correct incorrect. Ans. Ans. cultural, organizational, personal, psychological. microeconomics test questions and answers on topic of utility and consumer behavior for interview, entry test and competitive examination freely available to download for pdf export Consumer behavior b. Physical characteristics, 65. Ego-defensive, 6. Ans. (True/False) a. Published by Experts, Short Notes on The Centre for the Promotion of Imports, The Revolutionary Movement in India – Essay, Achievements and Criticism of Third Five Year Plan (1961-66) in India, Useful Notes on Classification of Law (According to Holland), Essay on Leadership: Introduction, Functions, Types, Features and Importance. Ans. 7 lessons • 1h 14m . Ans. Ans. ____________ stage comes just before the adoption stage in the adoption process. True, 32. Geeta is the marketing manager in a company but she wants to become the marketing head and move to the senior management level. Chapter - Theory of Consumer Behaviour. (True/False) Ans. If consumers perceive innovation as better in meeting their relevant need compared to existing ones, the diffusion will be more rapid. Ans. Ans. Situational influence, 62. Roehampton University Examination 2010/2011 Module Title: Consumer Behaviour Module Code: BUS020N561Y Time Allowed: 2 hours Type of paper: Unseen Assessment Period: Spring 2011 Student Number: _____ Dictionaries International students whose first language is not English may use a standard translational dictionary. (True/False) False, 24. Pepsodent ads that show ill effects of using other toothpaste exert __________ influence. Nicosia model is also known as the conflict model. This senior management group is Geeta’s ______ group. (True/False) Ans. KatelynSlawson. Consumer Buying Behaviour. Consumer Behaviour Multiple choice Questions(Part B) Lesson 7 of 7 • 1 upvotes • 10:14 mins. perceptual influence. Just Exam provide a platform to all students who want to make practice for various subject online. Ans. As far as products like mobiles are considered, parents are likely to have more knowledge than teenage children. False, 17. Group, 38. __________ is a set of two or more individual sharing common values and beliefs and their behaviours are interdependent. Required fields are marked *. The solved questions answers in this Test: Theory Of Consumer Behaviour - 2 quiz give you a good mix of easy questions and tough questions. Ans. Developing countries like India are largely comprised of the __________ class. Ans. i. Visualisers versus verbalisers ii. Her teacher is said to have __________ power. Evoked, 69. Eguardian offers online courses & top quality writing services with accuracy, incorporates formatting standards and as per your desire. Status, 20. Publish your original essays now. High, low, 21. Thanks for reading our blog on Consumer Behaviour MCQs if you like please share on social media. Economics Quiz Questions And Answers, which are covered in this chapter, relate to the topic , Theory of Consumer Behaviour Introduction to Micro Economics. The terms ICE and IC2=E2 denote ____ driven cultural change in India. Marketers begin to use price appeals and sales promotions in the ___________ stage. Regulatory Policy Multiple choice and open answer questions Try the multiple choice questions below to test your knowledge of this chapter. (True/False) Consumer interest c. Consumer attitude d. Consumer perception High-involvement, 67. Mobile phones come in the category of __________innovations. A) measuring consumer brand loyalty B) identifying and establishing brand positioning C) planning and implementing brand marketing D) measuring and interpreting brand performance E) growing and sustaining brand value Answer: B Page Ref: 241 Objective: 1 AACSB: Analytic skills Difficulty: Easy 2) The American Marketing Association defines a _____ as True, 30. (a) The desire to have a commodity or service is called: (i) Want, (ii) Utility. Social, 47. Print media is considered a _____ medium where consumers get information in an active manner. Early adopter, 61. Products like Chayavanprash and Zandu Kesari are mostly targeted at ______ and ______. Ans. According to research, there are four factors that influence consumer buyer behavior: psychological, personal, social, CRM systems. In general, money is defined in terms of its __________ purpose. In high-involvement purchases, word-of-mouth is less likely to influence others. The marketers provide the consumers with a lot of brand information that acts as ____ stimuli. Ans. (True/False) Chapter 13 - Impleminting Basic Differences Tests 14 Terms. Sheena does not want to work but works to second her husband’s income. (True/False) correct incorrect. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. We have provided Theory of Consumer Behaviour Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the … 1. Social surroundings, 66. Different food items are popular in different parts of India. Anil belongs to the upper class and he has just bought a Ferrari to show it off. Learn how your comment data is processed. Deodorant ads lay emphasis on __________ approval. Fixed office working hours represent a semi-chronic time perspective. (True/False) False, 18. (True/False) Consumer behavior - Marketing aptitude questions Q1. Ans. The process of searching for the best product to satisfy a need. Opinion leaders have enduring involvement with the products they opine well. Ans. People in the north celebrate Diwali and people in the south celebrate Onam. Ans. For products like furniture, consumer durables, vehicles, husband and wife are likely to take a joint decision. Ans. Ans. A situation in which consumer purchases are unplanned is known as_____ (1) Primary buying motives Continuous, 58. iPod is an example of __________ innovation. Get certified now! She may be put under the category of __________ woman. Consumer Behaviour MCQs – Consumer Buying Behaviour Multiple Choice Question and answers for preparation of academic and competitive exams. (1990: 22) and Schiffman & Kanuk (1997: 8), consumer behaviour is regarded as a relatively new … Attention CA - CPC standard Aspirants! Ans. 2 customer service basics 3 introduction to customer service 3 customer service in the 21st century 3 the three key elements 3 expand your definition of service 3 who are your customers?3 develop a customer friendly approach 4 what customer service means 4 customer service qualities 5 professional qualities in customer service 5 good information is often good service 6