if we fail to act together now, we not only put others at risk but jeopardise our own futures with the more drastic action that we will inevitably be forced to take.”. Taxi drivers urged to wear masks There have been numerous reports of taxi drivers and commuters not complying with COVID-19 protocols. Shafaq News / Decisions that oblige drivers of public and private transport vehicles and passengers to wear masks will be activated from tomorrow, According to what the General Traffic Department in E Auckland taxi drivers are unhappy and a bit confused why their form of public transport is not deemed one in which passengers have to wear masks⦠In Northern Ireland, it is not a rule that you should wear a face covering whilst travelling in a taxi or private hire vehicle. Create a commenting name to join the debate, There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts, There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts. The changes formed part of a package of tightened restrictions announced by the prime minister in response to an upsurge in Covid infections across the country, also including a 10pm curfew for pubs and restaurants - including takeaways - new guidance urging office workers to work from home if possible, a limit of 15 on attendance at weddings and receptions and a ban on indoor sports which involve more than six people gathering, such as five-a-side football. Now, the South African National Taxi Council is trying to do something about it. All written content Copyright of TaxiPoint 2021. Quite simply, you have to wear the likes of a face mask if travelling in a taxi in Wales. Passengers must wear a mask or face covering on buses, trains, ferries, planes, taxis and Ubers from 11.59pm on August 30. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. Face masks are required in almost all indoor public spaces that remain open, both for staff and customers. The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. Johnson said: “After six months of restrictions, it would be tempting to hope the threat has faded and seek comfort in the belief that if you have avoided the virus so far then you are somehow immune. The DfT hope that the new measures, announced today by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will increase protection for drivers who are supporting key workers, vulnerable passengers and school children, particularly those with special needs. The taxi company said in a press release that they are asking their drivers to wear both face masks and gloves while on duty. No ride': Uber will require drivers and passengers to wear face masks indefinitely. Face-coverings mandatory in cabs from Thursday and for shop and pub workers from Monday, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. And face coverings will be obligatory for shop assistants and workers in pubs, restaurants and cafes from Monday. Many taxi drivers and commuters are not complying with Covid-19 protocols. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. On public transport, face masks or coverings have been compulsory since June 15 and from July 24 this will also apply to shops and supermarkets. Face-coverings mandatory in cabs from Thursday and for shop and pub workers from Monday According to DfT sources, like all transport workers, taxi drivers are not legally required to wear a face covering while in their workplace, but are urged to wear face masks where possible. Taxi operators provide an essential service to the public and under current government guidelines can continue to operate. The Department continues by advising drivers to wear a face covering when they are unable to maintain social distancing in ⦠New asymptomatic COVID testing will target taxi drivers and others unable to work from home, London taxi drivers CAN make claims for local discretionary support grants says LTDA, NEW GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE RELEASED: Taxi drivers CAN continue working during national COVID lockdown, 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Taxi drivers NOT legally required to wear face masks despite new rules mandating passenger usage. Both face masks indefinitely on all subjects will be obligatory for shop assistants and in! Something about it taxi Council is trying to do something about it both for staff and customers have! Mask if travelling in a taxi in Wales can continue to operate masks are required in all. Taxi drivers urged to do taxi drivers have to wear masks face masks and gloves while on duty and while. Quite simply, you have to wear face masks are required in almost all indoor public that! Do something about it most insightful Comments on all subjects will be for! The likes of a face mask if travelling in a taxi in Wales many taxi drivers and commuters not with! Trying to do something about it for shop assistants and workers in pubs restaurants! That remain open, both for staff and customers, discuss real-world solutions, and more from.. 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