You could try bringing treats or a squeaky toy. My Jack Russell will not poo in the garden he insists going out. By supervising your dog out on walks or in the yard, you can clean up poop when it happens. We can’t take him on as many walks anymore with COVID, so we’re worried his stubbornness is going to make him sick. she needs 2 walks a day at least…. If he does go, give him a high-valued reward instantly (like a piece of real meat!). We rescued a 7 yr. old dog who didn’t want to leave the house to go outside to the yard, or a walk. Silly dogs! Ask Your Own Veterinary Question. If your puppy won’t use pads anymore, you may be feeling very frustrated and may wonder what you need to do to help your puppy. In my experience, the more processed the food, the more waste a dog produces. House Training. I’m also getting ready to take him back where I got him if this persists, Were you ever able to resolve this? If this were my dog, I think what I would do is choose 1 or 2 times per day for a consistent walk. i bought a house with a large fenced yard and we moved in over a month ago. My dog will happily use the yard for #2 but when we go for a walk will really try and force anything out if she can, she is especially interested in trying to defecate on the roadside near the house. But it’s dawning on me that she may have decided that the yard is part of our “den”, since we did some lifestyle activities out there, and she KNOWS not to go in the house (learned that that hard way as she watched me furiously scrub pee out of the carpet). Then head out again on your terms. She will go in the yard, though. 1 Posts . Now I admit we have gotten mad (just been stern or call him bad) at times and that doesn’t help. If I take him for a walk which is not a problem but the he doesn’t want to come home. Suggestions? Sixth, I’d invest in a blacklight and check every floor, furniture, etc. It could be he's nervous about those barking neighbor dogs or that an airplane flying low scared him. As soon as she stops peeing, say “Yes!” (or your choice of a marker – a word or sound used in training when she’s done something pleasing to you) and offer her a treat and lots of pets and kisses. These pet owners are quite content to let their dog do its business wherever and whenever the mood strikes and simply abandon the pile wherever it lies. As she’s finishing peeing, say “go peepee” in a gentle tone. I have done all of the above and more. Even with regular trips outside, there are going to be accidents. You want those sounds to begin to mean “pee time”in her head. Take her out of the crate directly outside. First, attach a leash to your dog’s collar. I have the opposite problem! If you don’t like your pup using your yard as a toilet don’t worry, you can easily rid your yard of urine smell , especially if it’s contain to a smaller area. Maybe your dog is used to going potty off leash in a fenced area and now that you’ve moved to a house with no fenced yard, she is not used to going potty in that environment. I went through my youngest not going poo and sometimes pee without a walk (through she did have pee accidents in the house) just a few months ago. i have a med-high energy girl who was severely abused and traumatized by hoarders before she was rescued. (if you happen to be able to, ask the breeder what term was used for that command and where she was allowed/disallowed to go pee in their custody.) The non toxic chemicals inside the product suck moisture from the poop and kill bacteria at the same time. We plan to landscape the backyard, but until we do, he needs to learn to go the way it is. If you take him down the street, boom insta poop or pee. My question again is …how long can I let him hold it, waiting for him to go, until it becomes a health issue? *Join our weekly newsletter! How long does it take to potty train a puppy? He’ll pee in the yard of he has to but does not like to poop in the yard. If your dog fails to do his business within 5-10 minutes, immediately get him back inside the crate and try again in 15-30 minutes. Therefore, if you’re trying to focus on getting her to go when and where you want, you’ll be better off if she is peeing and pooping as few times as possible during that day. WE HAVE BEEN! I just adopted an adult dog and learned that he can jump our fence. Haha! We just moved into a new home. If anyone has any other suggestions please do let me know. Lived in house w yard and pet door since she was 6 weeks old I have spent time walking him in the yard, up to 4 times after his morning meal. This cycle is repeated for evening, with the Doggy Dad providing 20-30 minutes of hard romping for The Girls in place of the jogging, with short trips only as needed. it is a battle of wills. now i’m not so sure she’s being stubborn, but i HAVE to teach her to go in the yard. Why won't my dog potty in the back yard anymore? She will on,y poop in the front yard and has to be walked to do that. We've had Wilson for just over a year now. Last night we didn’t take her on her walk before bed because we took her around 7PM. You can even add hay, small pet bedding, shredded newspaper, kitty litter or sand for traction. They will stay on the porch for 30 minutes if I don’t go out with them. I’m wondering if some of your dogs with the same problem may have made the same association, and that I suppose we should be grateful that they want to go away from our living spaces, not inside of them. Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of That Mutt. Harry & Sydney did you ever figure this out with your schnoode? Over time, they’ll improve. If your schedule permits, it’s best to teach your dog … He’s sensitive. You can extend the same type of training to when he pees. When I walk him or take him to the park, he does his business with no problems. I would probably just walk him a few meters from the yard if he will pee there. Our dog always peed and pooped in the yard and on walk. Thanks. One of our dogs (now passed) experienced this when he first joined our family – so we pooped and pee’d in the garage. The pet door is a foot and a half off the ground of the patio and 8 inches from the floor inside so we had to rig a ramp like thing for her to use it. I’ll always miss him! I tried just not walking…thinking eventually he would just HAVE to go. Try getting some from a friend or neighbor. She is not pooping in the yard after the recent death of my other dog . Once she positively knows “go peepee”, call her over, let her sniff and then say “Yes! My Year Old Caviler will not go potty in the yard, AT ALL. I can’t believe others are having the very same issue! 5 seconds of your life. His age might be making him hold his poop more at home because its uncomfortable to poop now, then when he walks he can't hold it anymore because of the movement. most of all, p a t i e n c e. i know it’s hard! Is there a lot of poop still standing in your yard? Oh my gosh – I hope someone is still reading this thread. I use “hurry.” You could say, “go potty” or whatever phrase you want to use. It frustrates me to no end that she won’t go, but will on walks and cries incessantly until we do (and it bugs me too that she thinks she can call the shots since we’re establishing that I’m alpha for our family’s “pack”). This is what mine do. We've gated him off from the corner he likes to go poop in and now he's just finding new places. It’s a big pain in the butt. Just brainstorming here as I’m not sure what else you can do. My vet said to cut back on her walks because she’s associating the leash with poop time. Do you have any medical history on her?) Have treats with you during this process, and if she does pee, praise her enthusiastically and give her a few treats, of course! If there is a trainer anywhere near me please contact ASAP. I used to get mad at my dog Ace when he wouldn’t poop in the yard. Then, keep your evening “walks” to the yard. I’m not sure what you can do. I can’t have my house a mess. He goes out with us so we can watch and just lays down. There are a couple of theories as to why a dog simply won't go on a leash. her pup with MEDICAL ISSUES that required walking awhile to get her system moving. not a typical association that i know of, but if she was house trained improperly to begin with there could be some odd associations in her lil brain that we’d never guess. Dr. Bruce, Veterinarian. a month ago we moved from an apartment, where i walked him 3 times a day. Recent reports indicate that it can actually be harmful to dogs. Possible reasons your dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard, What to do if your dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard, 2. He resisted a walk but over time (with treats etc.) She started refusing to go in the yard after my other dog passed away 3 weeks ago. Males and females do this. I am so glad I finally googled this problem! Translation: It’s in a dog’s DNA to eat poop. The most important thing to remember is that consistency is the key to any successful training program and that means for every member of the house who takes him out to do his business. We have an electric fence now but while we waiting over month to have it installed I walked our dog. I think we’ll just have to make a plan with a trusted neighbor/family member/local pro if I get incapacitated and can’t walk her off-site. Possible reasons your dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard. You simply sprinkle the Yard Odor Eliminator on the dog poop and leave it and it will reduce the feces up to 80%. This way, dog owners can quickly escort the puppy out as soon as the puppy shows any pre-potty cues (sniffing, circling, whining at the door). Any further suggestions. First off, you note that your doggie usually goes in the same place on walks. Yep I have tried that too! my dog won't poop in my yard. I celebrated each time. yesterday it was raining like crazy and neither of my pups wanted to walk. Okay, so I've lived in the same house with my dog for 3 years. I am wondering if it is painful lifting that leg. Is your yard fenced? This is especially true with newly adopted dogs or puppies or if you’ve moved to a new home with your dog. Even if it’s just a 5-minute walk. He is 5 years old and I got him from a rescue when he was only 6 months old. My dog will not poop in the yard unless he is extremely desperate (like we have been driving for 6 hours and I refuse to walk him because I am tired too and goddamit there is a nice big yard). He always waits until we go for a walk and then he goes just fine!