The following is an answer given by Boojho to a question asked by his teacher- “Cotton, wool, silk and jute are classified as natural fibres … There are two general categories of natural fibers: animal-based or plant-based. Silk filaments are extruded by the larvae of moths and are used to spin their cocoons.. With the exception of mineral fibres, all natural fibres have an affinity for water in both liquid and vapour form. Which of the following is not a natural fibre? Animal-based natural fibers include silk and wool, while plant-based natural fibers include cotton, linen, and jute. 2. Rayon synthesised for the first time in England. 6. It is not a natural fibre… When a fabric is not labelled as “natural” then consumers can judge it harshly, without any true understanding of the fabric. (c) True (d) True. Previous question Next question. Since jute is obtained from the stem of a plant. 3. 4. (a) False. Since silk is an animal fibre obtained from silkworms. Nylon was made in 1931. It is a natural silk and is an animal fibre. Question: Four different types of fibres are given to us. Rayon is a natural fibre. Vegetable fiber, strong, tough, flexible, moisture absorbent, not shape retentive. Does not melt, but should be pressed with a press cloth. Cellulose. 15. Rayon is the first man-made cellulose fibre. Fibres can weaken when wet; 5. Question is ⇒ Which of the following is not a natural fibre?, Options are ⇒ (A) Silk, (B) Viscose rayon, (C) Wool, (D) Cotton, (E) , Leave your comments or Download question paper. Because silk is made up of continuous filaments rather than staple fibres, it is one of the strongest natural fibre fabrics. A. Polyester is the strongest synthetic fibre. Synthetic fibres shrink a lot when washed. Natural fibers are classified according to their origin: •Vegetable or cellulose •Animal or protein •Mineral. Read more.. Linen comes from the stem of a flax plant. 5. 6-january-1947: all india congress committee accepted the division of the country. •Silk •Cotton •Wool •Mohair •Cashmere. towards. The raw, natural materials are spun into threads and yarns that are then woven or knit into natural fabrics. Flax fibres are very durable making linen twice as strong as cotton and 3 times stonger than wool. Viscose: a misunderstood fabric? In woven silk, the fibre's triangular structure acts as a prism that refracts light, giving silk cloth its highly prized "natural shimmer". Source: Have Love Will Travel via Etsy Linen. Because sunlight damages silk, especially that which has been heavily weighted, it is not a good fiber for drapery fabrics unless the draperies are lined. Viscose is probably the most misunderstood of all fibres, manmade or natural. 7. Artificial silk is another name for silk. It has good absorbency, low conductivity and dyes easily. Silk: It's filament is a continuous thread of great tensile strength measuring from 500 to 1 500 metres in length, with a diameter of 10-13 microns. Silk: B. 8. Follow Permanent Care Label Instructions. The animal fibres consist exclusively of proteins and, with the exception of silk, constitute the fur or hair that serves as the protective epidermal covering of animals. Q1. Out of these, two fibres (1 and 2) are obtained from plants and other two (3 and 4) fibres are obtained from animals. Terylene is a common variety of polyester. Dress shields should be worn to protect the underarms of silk dresses. Classification of natural fibers. (b) False.