The presented devices are monolithic and have typical dimensions of a few millimetre in length and some hundreds of micrometer in width. 0000064683 00000 n
On the other hand, the bistable action of an injection-locked semiconductor laser is achieved by injecting the optical signal at the frequency detuning within the stable locking band. PDF; This article has been retracted. 0000084258 00000 n
<]/Prev 910289>>
INTRODUCTION HE directly modulated semiconductor laser has appeared in many optical applications due to its availability and low cost. Since the semiconductor laser has unique features of high gain, low facet reflectivity, and amplitude-phase coupling through the α parameter, it is also sensitive to optical injection from a different laser. 0000004034 00000 n
We report on electrically driven amplified spontaneous emission and lasing in tetracene single crystals using field-effect electrodes for efficient electron and hole injection. Select all / Deselect all. A free-running OEO is first established based on period-one dynamics of an optically injected semicon-ductor laser. Lasers. Bistability and hysteresis in an optically injected two-section semiconductor laser A. Pimenov,1 ,* E. A. Viktorov, 23 S. P. Hegarty, 4 ,5T. trailer
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Laser diodes are used in optical fiber systems, compact disc players, laser printers, remote-control devices, … 0000013705 00000 n
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It is also called Injection Laser. The techniques of CMO, CMA, and CSK can be applied to chaotic secure communications using semi-conductor lasers in various system configurations. 0000005454 00000 n
Photons leave the cavity in two ways; they can either escape from the end facets (or mirrors) or they can get absorbed by the cavity. It has been found that this dependence significantly affects the injection locking properties, giving rise to a peculiar asymmetric tuning curve and dynamic instability. 1. �#��i�3#�./5��x�i��kX����Nf!�G��v
ߠ��~!��k�Ukb;����"�QV!������;� Opt. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 2000 M.Eng. VI.D Semiconductor Lasers. trailer
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Also see diode.. A laser diode, also known as an injection laser or diode laser, is a semiconductor device that produces coherent radiation (in which the waves are all at the same frequency and phase) in the visible or infrared (IR) spectrum when current passes through it. 0000032891 00000 n
Tsang. Edge emission is suitable for adaptation to feedback waveguide. Edited by W.T. Keywords: Injection Locking, Semiconductor Laser, Phase Noise, DFB laser 1. Optically Injected Semiconductor Laser Bowen Zhang ,DanZhu, Member, IEEE, Hao Chen, Yuewen Zhou, and Shilong Pan , Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—A microwave frequency measurement system utiliz-ing the optical injection technology in a semiconductor laser is proposed. We report on directional mode switching in semiconductor ring lasers through optical injection co-propagating with the lasing mode. 0000007031 00000 n
Locking and unlocking phenomena in optically injected semiconductor lasers have been extensively studied. Index Terms— Semiconductor lasers, injection locking, modulation frequency response. 1a, describing, respectively, the material gain and the loss at cavity mirrors of the electromagnetic field intensity. A semiconductor laser diode consists of several parts: Metal contact P-type material Active region (n-type material) N-type material Metal contact From the picture one can see, that in principle you have the same structure like a diode where you have recombination of charge carriers in the active region. 0000065540 00000 n
A novel photonic method, to the best of our knowledge, to generate high-frequency micro/millimeter-wave signals based on the optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) with all-optical gain is proposed in this paper. We report on electrically driven amplified spontaneous emission and lasing in tetracene single crystals using field-effect electrodes for efficient electron and hole injection. 0000006357 00000 n
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Figures. 2.1. Download Article PDF. Fax: +1-510-643-6637. 0000003709 00000 n
injected semiconductor lasers subject to external optical feedback for the first time. Noise Characteristics of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers Under External Light Injection Gnitabouré Yabre, Member, IEEE, Huug de Waardt, Henricus P. A. van den Boom, and Giok-Djan Khoe, Fellow, IEEE Abstract— This paper presents a theoretical investigation of the noise behavior of a semiconductor laser operating under relatively injected semiconductor laser [18], researches are limited to the condition where the laser is injected with an optical signal of constant intensity. R =0.31 for the Semiconductor Injection Lasers, II Light-Emitting Diodes. 0000006190 00000 n
Please see: Retraction - November 01, 2002; Abstract. High-Speed Modulation of Optical Injection-Locked Semiconductor Lasers by Erwin K. Lau S.B. : 3 Laser diodes can directly convert electrical energy into light. iL
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A scheme of a diode laser is shown in Fig. Locking and unlocking phenomena in optically injected semiconductor lasers have been extensively studied. 66 0 obj
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Download as PDF. 7 87. Nonlinear Laser fault injection in semiconductor devices Motivation and Task Description Fault Injection through Laser irradiation is an established attack method in the context of hardware-based IT-security. H�b```f``Qa`e`�Odd@ A6 da�8�$��t(B�_k�K���= 0000012122 00000 n
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GaAs double heterostructure semiconductor injection lasers which now exhibit more than 25000 h cw room temperature lifetime are of great interest for future use as directly modulated transmitters for high bit-rate fiber optical communications. In reality a semiconductor laser is simply a semiconductor diode, because its active medium is the junction of the forward biased P-N diode, shown as Here the metal contacts shown are used to connect the P-N material to the DC power supply. 0000043874 00000 n
The understanding of this novel feature in ring lasers is based on the particular structure of a two-dimensional asymptotic phase space. Edge emitting LED. 0000144793 00000 n
semiconductor lasers (MOD) (see: K. Petermann, Laser diode modulation and noise, Kluwer Academic, 1991) ... (I - injection current, e - elementary charge, V - volume of the active region) describes the number of the injected carriers into the active region per volume and time. 0000004255 00000 n
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B, Volume 7, Number 2 Citation G H M van Tartwijk and D Lenstra 1995 Quantum Semiclass. (Eng), Queen's University, 1990 M.A.Sc, The University of British Columbia, 1993 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE … 0000006897 00000 n
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Since the semiconductor laser has unique features of high gain, low facet reflectivity, and amplitude-phase coupling through the α parameter, it is also sensitive to optical injection from a different laser. A spectral description of an injected semiconductor laser is presented for usual injected power (> 30 dBm), by mapping out several phenomena, such as bistable areas, undamped relaxation and chaos synchronization. Figures. High-Speed Modulation of Optical Injection-Locked Semiconductor Lasers Ming C. Wu, Connie Chang-Hasnain, Erwin K. Lau, Xiaoxue Zhao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Tel: +1-510-643-0808. Few studies have been done on the nonlinear dynamics of a semiconductor laser subjects to a non-constant optical injection. Introduction Complex dynamical systems often exhibit extreme or rare events. The existence of isolated branches created from a sudden jump in the dynamics of the semiconductor laser was also observed in the bifurcation diagram. Download Article PDF. The limiting factors in short pulse generation by gain switching of semiconductor lasers are analyzed using an approach parallel to conventional Q switching analysis. 0000064333 00000 n
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Semiconductor Lasers Class: Integrated Photonic Devices Time: Fri. 8:00am ~ 11:00am. in an injection locked semiconductor laser with a coincident reduction in parasitic chirp. The side mode suppression and the relative intensity noise (RIN) of the locked laser (slave laser) are given for different wavelengths detuning between the master and slave laser and for different linewidth enhancement factors α. Download PDFs Export citations. Here we present a semiconductor injection laser which operates in the THz range with an emis-sion spanning more than one octave , from 1.64 THz to 3.35 THz (from 89.5 m to 183 m in wavelength). Van der Sande, L. Gelens, and J. Danckaert Department of Applied Physics and Photonics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium (Dated: November11,2018) We theoretically investigate optical injection in semiconductor ring lasers and disclose several 0000003037 00000 n
injection-locked semiconductor lasers can be significantly improved compared to the free-running case. PDF; This article has been retracted. Also, there have beenmanypaperswhich studied chaossynchronization insemi-conductor laser systems [12]–[32]. 0000001060 00000 n
At injection levels I below threshold (I 2)�
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• Demonstration of room-temperature, continuous-wave operation of the first bipolar cascade laser. William T. Silfvast, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003. Tables. Beri, †G. 0000008714 00000 n
An optically injected semiconductor laser or semiconductor laser with optical feedback is frequently used as a chaotic laser source, since broad-band chaotic signals can be obtained by optical control. Lasers. William T. Silfvast, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003. 0000001968 00000 n
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G H M van Tartwijk 1 and D Lenstra 1. These techniques are referred to as “Fault Attacks”. 0000014387 00000 n
q�a���}�Mn�A�� B�"O�ؗ�=�ZT�qQ��������Oν�;Dî��}�����>�*%t�TѦ��G�g�����?��ٛ�-�G���l�k�ͪ�r|`�\�de�݀;t%�H,fa�%�\����V��G�'3x�6��D����V���L�k6�"�磅�y��'����i�lLߏ$��Yߙ���4l�N\��t0�M�o��Y�D\;�h�n��B���a/�w;�����h�3�nvKt��ԪTEDI�=yy9���.v��Q+�O��m�� ��ך� *�ڎ��^����zr� YN%!�4�=>U�{�& +kj="�~vZrld���t�����S(07��9��=Q~؝ �v��R��T In class-B lasers, experimental synchroniza-tion between two chaotic laser systems has been demonstrated in solid-state lasers [10] and CO lasers [11]. In other words, current is injected into the junction between N and P type materials. Optically Injected Semiconductor Laser Bowen Zhang ,DanZhu, Member, IEEE, Hao Chen, Yuewen Zhou, and Shilong Pan , Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—A microwave frequency measurement system utiliz-ing the optical injection technology in a semiconductor laser is proposed. of injected semiconductor laser dynamical behaviors including stable state, periodic oscillation state, quasi-periodic oscillation state, co-existence of periodic and chaotic states, and period-3 and period-6 oscillation states are reported. 0000064605 00000 n
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Please see: Retraction - November 01, 2002; Abstract. Technically, this is achieved by growing very thin layers consisting of different crystal composi- tions for quantum wells or by applying two-dimensional growth for quantum dots. opto Keywords: semiconductor lasers; nonlinear dynamics; optical injection 1. Volume 22, Part C, Pages iii-xix, 1-333 (1985) Download full volume. h�b```f``)e`c`�`f@ a�;GC �����`��i��1(�a��Ȃ �c
�;l�,8YX|��`4d|���E�dQ �N_>Y"&6Wn����Nu���`�0�o�VQc�d;��R�5 @�z30��L���"}��Y�n�bm�\��u��������:�-�}��������c�M���i\�x��Qj��/r��w�`mrDF�kK�+��/)#�89�. Semiconductor lasers with optical injection and feedback . About this page. �O�kLU�g�5��3v�,M�:�f�Ji2$xXW2�cX��!L���5C=�G@��(|F(i�" d�C&];x��a`p �}��7B�?0 ;W0�
Semiconductor or diode lasers, typically about the size of a grain of salt, are the smallest lasers yet devised. Faulty data can be exploited in various ways to break the security measures of an Integrated Circuit. The dependence of the gain‐switched pulse width and pulse energy on various input parameters such as drive current amplitude, bias current, and spontaneous emission factor, etc., can be predicted in a simple manner. A laser diode, (LD), injection laser diode (ILD), or diode laser is a semiconductor device similar to a light-emitting diode in which a diode pumped directly with electrical current can create lasing conditions at the diode's junction. %PDF-1.3
2383 Total … Our simple analytical expression is in good agreement with direct numerical simulations of the full-model equations and can be considered as an analog of the formula estimating the locking range width in a cw laser subjected to a coherent optical injection [5].