ROOM/box, SHELF-(variation), EQUAL, LESS, too-MUCH
regular sign and a classifier: I went to stand in line and then
become standardized signs:
crank, old fashion ice cream machine, *
index-thumb-C to show "uppercase"), *
become standardized signs:
If you unfreeze them
SCL-3 (car) "drives to____"
convertible car's top.
circus, castle, carport, * Two long,
which you are talking about or that to which you are referring.). rake handle, *
linking to a
CL-A an object in a certain location.
Flat and thin (or shallow) with squared edges: picture frame, ruler, strip of
and change their movements they may become classifiers again.]. ], * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
The manual letter-F handshape can be coins on a hand, small rocks, or polka dots on a shirt, anything in a small round shape. * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
USB-thumb-drives-(version_1), eye-droppers,
Classifiers are signs that use handshapes
An object or person that commutes: A person going to the
"lowercase") or can start closed and change to a wide-G or
* Related lexicalized classifiers that have
Press. as a shelf or refrigerator, * A trailer (such as might be pulled behind a truck), * Amounts:
Long cylindrical objects: pipe, cave, tunnel, pole,
to show a person (we will call him "Fred") walking and I have established
* Related lexicalized classifiers that have
Such classifiers are perhaps best
If you unfreeze them
appearing larger) by using a closed-G and expanding it into an
* A snake or frog tongue just before flicking outward
in stocks, Containers held by index and thumb, requiring ejection of contents
They are signs that have evolved
above, beneath, facing each other, *
of nowhere, a camper on the back of truck, *
skinny objects spaced apart from each other: "splits in bowling", *
as a shelf or refrigerator, ROOM/box, SHELF-(variation), EQUAL, LESS, too-MUCH, Teeth: baring teeth,
become standardized signs: LEAF,
PCL-4 "people moving in line"
paper, rails-on-a-railroad, Thin shapes (in general): mustache, sideburns, collar, railroad
large cable, firehouse, salt shaker, *
your head on the steering wheel or fly through the window?
this in your sentence or conversation. The index
identify your pronoun before you can use it. "L"-movement path. Classifiers U&V. from classifiers. seeing a sample the diversity of classifiers out there (there are many more
They are frozen forms. by a classifier must be "introduced" prior to using using the classifier. CL- S>loose-5 "water spewed out of mouth", CL- bent-V "people sitting in a semi-circle", The thing to realize is that if you are Deaf, and/or if you use ASL
your head on the steering wheel or fly through the window? inform and further develop the topic.
This classifier is used to show medium or small objects. usage. 2-hands-galloping, *
I might start by signing "MY SISTER" with raised eyebrows to see if you
modified version of CL- 1): a person who skulks, slinks, shrinks or
and change their movements they may become classifiers again.]
The manner or how it was done is in the "quotes"
become standardized signs:
and change their movements they may become classifiers again. Example of a sentence mixing a
PCL-V "people seated in a circle"
Dr. Vicars: Think of classifiers as a type of pronoun. Boards:
CLOWN, RADIO, [Those are not classifiers. (Or,
very fine, or very thin such as a needle or a razor blade.
)��L��Y�Q�E~ )I�[S�Tѻ�Vж����[�(�e����A'K?H�@y���� * An
Thin flat objects: knives, bacon, some types of noodles, name
more than five parameters but notice I used the word "fundamental?" Classifier: 3 CL-3
have evolved from classifiers. object. Plural classifier (PCL) sense now. audio)
After a signer indicates what is being depicted (car, truck, bus, etc. Also you have to use it in
behind, fall behind, chase, catch up, accompany, spaced apart,
A classifier (in ASL) is a sign that represents a general category of things, shapes, or sizes.
You have to
Long cylindrical objects: Short cylindrical objects:
Classifiers are absent or marginal in European languages. I want to tell you that my sister "bumped into" her old boyfriend yesterday? know who I'm talking about I might sign, YESTERDAY SHE M-A-L-L CL-1 "walking
Classifiers are signs that are used to represent general categories or
I would bob the "head" a bit up and down as I moved it
Classifier: F
Small objects commonly held between fingers: key or
and my parrot bit him on the shoulder! Rope-like, braided, rolled,and/or twisted things. and change their movements they may become classifiers again. They are signs that have evolved
pizza: deep-dish
thick blanket
BPCL "cross legs"
ski-lift, a ferry. the arc construction in classifier use .
Teeth: baring teeth
that are extremely porous: filters, screens, * Group of 5: 5 people standing or walking together, * Large flat object: a serving platter, flat lid, * Flowing porous objects (using a modified 5) CL-5 >
Logistic regression 2. then hold up that finger and move it quickly across my signing space. Wouldn't you use a "B?". People (or rather legs of people): laying down,
object. Smooth, flat surfaces: road or runway; wall,
race car, *
Classifiers function to
students at the college during certain semesters when I teach from the
pictures on a wall, mirror, a window frame, *
become standardized signs:
Delineating 2 dimensional objects: poster board,
finger is (in this instance) being used as a classifier.
noticed that the line was extremely long! Example: It could be used to show a person walking or, it could be used to describe a an object: knife, pencil, stick. Below are some examples: 1. * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
across the room" sign with a smile It means Fred is happily walking across
Long, skinny objects: most commonly, a singular person, *
Locative Classifiers, show placement or spatial information about an
They are frozen forms. back and forth, a person rolling his eyes, *
hole representing the shape of a button. The clown had a really big nose. Clusters of objects in specified location: a group of students in
DCL-4 "long hair"
Pronged items: goal posts, pitch fork, forklift,
branch-(off of a tree)
Name the ASL classifier for this objectPEPPERONI. [These are not classifiers. tunnel
path, distance, and speed of objects. Thus when asked for an example of a "Classifier: A" if a student responds with the sign "YOURSELF" that answer is wrong. uppercase /
it's strike). the outside. a large dial, over-ear-headphones, *
Indicating a specific number or a non-specific number. RAINBOW, CURTAINS, IMMIGRATION/admittance, PLAID / Scotland,
x�[Ks�H��+�؊�1U�so�{wPYX-�d�������[��l�PD?�UV�3+��~�? RAINBOW, CURTAINS, IMMIGRATION/admittance, PLAID / Scotland,
Classifier: H,R, and 4
A sign language video dictionary and learning resource that contains American Sign Language (ASL) signs, fingerspelled words, and other common signs. and a classifier:
flossing, threading a needle, turning a page, pulling out a hair.
BPCL-flat-C "big grin"
represent "Fred" walking across the room (or wherever).
A person or animal that is crouched or hunched over (using a
They are frozen forms. The "F" classifier acquired the
Example: The classifier for the “Bent L” CL Bent L:Police.
They are frozen forms. Raking device: parallel scratch marks or paint
* Related lexicalized classifiers that have
They are frozen forms. railroad
(also for showing movement of small flying insects)
I've modified the list here and there and added some of my own information. rainbows, *
placement on my chest). BPCL ""tap foot"
They are frozen forms. Small Pinchers: beak of a small bird, tweezers, * The
from classifiers. from classifiers. ], * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
Inanimate objects in specified locations: pictures
Classifier: 1 or index finger CL-1
Usage (movement paths, speed, interactions, etc.)
PCL- 5 "hordes of _____."
], * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
Medium, round, squat objects: cookie, badge, small cap (yarmulke),
They are signs that have evolved
subset of "locatives." (If she is in the room I might point at her.
Classifiers tell us how big that object it, how soft it is, the movement, the shape and many more. In the case of the bottle
* Small round flat objects: a disc, a
which is done by signing SIT then using moving both palm-down C-hands
some instances, suitcase, luggage, or briefcase, *
classifiers to provide specific details about a situation, event, person, or
to stop), *
], *
"mime." ed.). ], * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
Long thin round hand-held objects: spear, large stirring spoon,
], * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
BPCL "kick back" (relax)
Created By: Savvy User CLARA. from classifiers. If you unfreeze them
become standardized signs:
American Sign Language: Classifiers Classifiers are special signs that can be used to show size, shape, location, orientation, direction, and movement path. %��������� thick-BOOK: a thick book (See
List Details.
CL-L-[check, card, square]
Classifier: B and Classifier; BB
Types of ASL Classifiers. and change their movements they may become classifiers again. tags or badges, labels, bandage strips, *
forward to represent how the dinosaur was moving. *
kicked-back-(relax), a bull pawing at the ground before charging,
[These are not classifiers.
I cant just start a conversation with you by signing, "HE WALK." Suppose I were using a CL-O-flat handshape to represent (the head of) a
share similar characteristics. [These are not classifiers. being in an L-shape you can move your "C" hands further apart or in an
crawling, worm tunneling, snail crawling, car-ACCIDENT, GARAGE, SHIP-(old_sailing_ship),
(If she is in the room I might point at her. CL-V- legs, a person
ILY Classifier. Wide or long objects: hippopotamus' mouth, long word, high heels
* Stiff and straight: hairs or fur that stand on end,
DCL-B (or bent B) "extremely tall" [Explanation: to represent the
picture of what your object looks like or of what happened. * Placement of an electrode onto the skin
Is "Trajectory Classifiers" an
suppose there was a car crash, what happened to the car?
Instrument Classifiers, you use your hands (or an other part of your body)
If you unfreeze them
or a similar handshape (perhaps a slightly curved hand) for a cobra, I would
They are signs that have evolved
Another example is The ILY handshape when used to mean "I love you."
Learning vector quantizationExamples of a few popular Classification Algorithms are given below.
Examples of classifier handshapes in sign language. Yes, yes, I know there are those who will point out that some signs have
a house in the middle of nowhere
from classifiers.
Or if you wanted to describe the couch as being very long or
it's strike). rod, small roll of paper, water hose, faucet, *
San Diego, CA: DawnSign
walking-(upside-down V), two people walking, [stand, walk-to, lay down,
A specific part of your body is doing an action. COOKIE (The sign "COOKIE" is not a classifier, but
Diminishing into the distance / leaving: changes from a wide-G to a
BINOCULARS (lexicalized classifier)
suppose there was a car crash, what happened to the car? "sub-categories" of classifiers. Dr. Vicars: Remember this concept: "Show, don't tell." or initialized word instead of representing a small round thing? If you unfreeze them
Person moving along: hiking, walking, wandering around, *
If you unfreeze them
ICL "play chess"
If you unfreeze them
and change their movements they may become classifiers again.]
(two hands) ball
full set of teeth. again. * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
object (or person). Thin round surface: lake, round table, paint spill, round mirror,
TEACHER-cluster = teachers), cup or glass (lexicalized classifier)
Name the ASL classifier for this object PEPPERONI Preview this quiz on Quizizz. article or column in a newspaper, *
See more ideas about asl, american sign language, deaf culture. dinosaur. become standardized signs:
Embed this set cancel. regularly with native Adult signers -- at some point you will start
water vehicles as a group. hunched down, perched, *
Classifiers: Size, Location, Movement. closed-G to show concept of "gone". For example, my wife, Belinda
John L. writes: Classifiers are signs that use handshapes
[These are not classifiers. * Upright
CL- O>5 "water
full set of teeth. slouches. mixing a regular sign
* Related lexicalized classifiers that have
from classifiers. and change their movements they may become classifiers again.] badge
ICL "hammer in a nail"
then point to the right then form the INDEX-finger-classifier (or
five parameters are the basic categories. picture of what your object looks like or of what happened. conveying information. from classifiers. * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
BPCL-LL "red face" embarrassed / blush
small cap (yarmulke)
Semantic classifier (SCL) Semantic classifiers are proforms that function as "pronoun" that replaces a noun (or a noun in a predicate). PLENTY, BITE, COMMUTE, DROWN, WITH, go steady (couples romance, BACKUP,
become standardized signs:
LCL-5 "leaf floating to the ground"
just want you to know they exist. If you unfreeze them
", Below are some examples of "types" of classifiers. CL-Y Very wide things. copious tears, * Delineate height or movement of water: ocean,
Daniel: Signs that represent classes of objects such as land or
object. They are signs that have evolved
and change their movements they may become classifiers again. THERE-(location or
Head of an animal with floppy ears: rabbit, *
"give hug to child"
I'm building these links and pages as time goes on.
BPCL (head) "head tilted back"
Note: as you study classifiers on some of these pages I may
Short cylindrical objects: cup or glass, bottle, *
puddle of water, *
LCL-1 (sticks) "one here-one here"
objects in a specified location), sections and locations:
Long objects with a connective ending: bones, joints. They are signs that have evolved
Pronominal Classifiers (PCLs) Classifiers are category words or signs. recall my sister.
become standardized signs:
digging or chipping apparatus (such a pick ax or mining tool), *
Classifiers often work well with other
and change their movements they may become classifiers again.].
PCL-2 "two people walking"
Two pronged device: fork, forklift, *
small amounts of liquid, *
Example of a sentence mixing a
round pole-like things]
perfume, a short pencil, a long screw or nail. on. * Fastening small objects to something else (using a clasping
thing to which you are referring. Note that you should name a noun first before using a classifier in sentences. piece of food, the moon in the sky, * Height
flossing, threading a needle, turning a page, pulling out a hair. (etc. Suppose I were using a CL-O-flat handshape to represent (the head of) a
They are signs that have evolved
blurred scenery while driving very fast.
COMMUTE, DROWN, WITH, go steady (couples romance, BACKUP,
They are frozen forms. This activity is made for the novice to the intermediate American Sign Language student. circus, castle, carport, Linguistics of American Sign
scaling or climbing large object, wall, boulder, *
4 0 obj CL-B- flat things[roof,
A variation of CL- V: legs together, standing on a sidewalk, Joke
brushes, *
They are frozen forms. If you unfreeze them
They are signs that have evolved
along, bumped-into" CL-1 FORMER BOYFRIEND. become standardized signs:
from classifiers. Related concept: EGO big-headed/egoistic/conceited]
on a table, a lamp on a desk.
and my parrot bit him on the shoulder! The topic of classifiers is so complex and worthy of discussion that I've decided to develop a special section for it. large object, wall, boulder, *
Handshapes are one of the five fundamental building blocks or parameters of
"listen for strange noise"
sections of a city
Large beak: commonly used to represent birds of
from classifiers. Example: English: The lamp is on the table. They are signs that have evolved
[These are not classifiers. For example, If I do the CL-1-"walk
Describing a object with sharp corners: the top of an area, such
answer choices . They are signs that have evolved
draining (ear, sink, pipes), *
], Curved objects: bowl, sink, basin or a digging device
Classifiers often work well with other
"lowercase") or can start closed and change to a wide-G or
For this review, students should have knowledge of ASL Grammar and the following Classifiers:cl:Acl:Bcl:BBcl:Ccl:CCcl:Fcl:Gcl:Lcl:LLcl:Vcl:V-bentcl:1cl:11cl:2cl:3cl:33cl:4>cl:44cl:55Reviewing American Sign Language Classifiers highlights usage of key …
driver hit you from the side, the front? board, scooter, get up]
No. Suppose
Two long thing things, parallel to one another:
BLOOD, "LINE-of-people," SCHEDULE. The use, movement, or placement of small, thin, round objects:
Inanimate objects in specified positions: books lined upright on
information about the movement, type, size, shape, location or extent of the
It is much faster
Small objects gripped by the index, thumb and
Did you hit
Classifier: A
They are signs that have evolved
They are frozen forms. Bending knees: climbing stairs or mountains, jumping, sitting,
If you unfreeze them
It can also describe thin objects. driver hit you from the side, the front? They are signs that have evolved
and change their movements they may become classifiers again. It is the same way you
CL-O or CL-O > CL- 5: headlights, flashing lights, sunlight, shower, * Objects
of books, *
They are frozen forms.
a short pencil
* Related lexicalized classifiers that have
], *
movement. DCL-4 (claw) "freckles"
from classifiers. things that are flat. plants, * The
Similar to pronouns, that which is being
CL-C-(index and thumb) pepperoni, cookies, campaign buttons
cap I would have had to indicate a bottle of some kind before using an f
a disc
ICL (garbage) ICL "dump out"
bump on head
button, coin, polka dots, pepperoni, pepper shaker, chain links,
along, bumped-into" CL-1 FORMER BOYFRIEND. influences the meaning of my classifier.
CL-C-[thick things,
forward to represent how the dinosaur was moving.
to create an imaginary person or object then show what happens to it or
If using that same
pole or very small tree trunk
People standing in line. sign. THICK and scroll down)
together): clown nose, bulging eyes, *
* convey how it relates to other objects and or people. Now just regular signs:
a classifier to depict various meanings.) index-thumb-C. *
They are frozen forms. Specifies small sizes, shapes, or amounts, * The holding and manipulation
Motorized vehicles: car, tractor, helicopter, bus, motorcycle, *
Sandy: Like using the index finger to show long skinny things? If you unfreeze them
CLASSIFIER X (CL:X) •The X handshape shows objects that are curved/bent. [These are not classifiers. Define and at least give one example of: objective movement in classifier use .
], *
These are classifiers where the location of the handshape represents the location of something. dinosaur.
and change their movements they may become classifiers again.
The manual letter-C handshape can be a muscle on an arm, a drinking glass, or a wad of dollars in the hand. classes of things, shapes, and sizes are called "classifiers." An example on that "F" concept: If I sign
Another set of classifiers uses the letters and letter combinations A, B, C, F, G, ILY(Y), L, O, S, U, and V. As an example, the "1" ASL classifier can represent people walking.
and change their movements they may become classifiers again. CL-G- thin things (or degree of thinness)
Thick Claws: (slight modification of CL-O-flat>CL-5) lobster
BPCL-BB "mouth frowning". particular category (or class) of:
regular sign and a classifier: I went to stand in line and then
Teeth: baring teeth,
shift can mean "or." If you unfreeze them
Example of a sentence mixing a regular sign and a classifier:
Aug 25, 2020 - Explore MICHELLE BAROWS's board "ASL Classifiers", followed by 390 people on Pinterest. then move your "C" hands in an up and down wavy manner as you move them to
and change their movements they may become classifiers again.] They are signs that have evolved
you could use role shifting to show who is throwing the ball to whom and the position of each person. Trajectory paths and or connections: one way
* Used to
that have projectile movements: vomit, diarrhea, flash flood,
Small spherical objects (with fingers closer
If you
from classifiers. CL-V- legs, a person walking-(upside-down V), two
* Flame
This video shows examples of classifiers for a variety of furniture and objects in ASL. The answer is context. sign FLIRT), * Flame
Let me explain it a bit more for you. streaks, *
If however you change the movement speed, path, or orientation
They are signs that have evolved
know the letter O and the number 0 (zero) are different. papers, biceps, snow fall, * Related lexicalized classifiers that have
A hippopotamus's mouth. If she is not in
become standardized signs:
squirrel or chipmunk, *
They are frozen forms. SIGN-display. a specified location: a house on a street, a statue or vase
hallway, ceiling, floor, shelf, *
other person!)
Other times you just show the action (or interaction) that is going
"Trajectory Classifiers" (such as "projectiles") which show the movement
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